Monday, July 5, 2010

Mommy and Me Monday

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?

I'm sure all kids look forward to July4th and my kids are no exception. They talk about it all year long. Looking forward to the pool (which is like a bath because we hook it up to the faucet and use hot water), and the bbq, and eating junk food and ofcourse the fireworks!


  1. Hey maybe you can call your pool/tub a spa? Sounds more luxurious that way. No matter what you call it, looks like lots of fun!

  2. Lovely photos! Looks like you had a lot of fun.

  3. Looks like a great day..and pretty close to the way we spent ours...pool, food and fireworks.

  4. I love the 4th too! Looks like you guys had a fun one. :)

  5. Looks like a great time! You are brilliant...I never thought to hook the hose up to the kitchen faucet to run hot water into the pool!!! WE usually fill ours early in the day and let it sit in the sun for hours to warm up but then by the time the kids get in it, there are a ton of bugs and grass in it!

  6. Tylaine! I've missed reading your blog! My Google account was hacked and I just now got it back so I found you again! I'm following here under my new email/account. You can find my "new and improved" blog again at

  7. You have a pretty good sized pool there! Perfect for mom and tot water fun1

  8. Awesome pictures and I love the idea of the pool... that is priceless!
