Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 10 of Day of Truth

Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

Well I know I've talked about it once before here but I guess for now I need to let my sister go. I don't understand what or why this change happened in her life. I don't understand why she felt she needed to leave. I don't understand why she is alienating her family. It is like she is reinventing herself from what we used to know but we don't know her now.
I hope someday she comes back.


  1. Thats so sad! I hope things get better with your family. BIG HUGS!!

  2. That is sad. I hate that that has happened Tylaine. Keep her in your prayers. She will come back one day.

  3. This is rough stuff. For different reasons my parent, middle sister and I have had to "disown" my oldest sister and although it was the best choice we could make for ourselves right now - its still hard when its family. Hope she finds her way back to you soon!

  4. Awwww ... that is so hard. I had a brother who did some alienation of himself...slowly he's letting us back in. Sending hugs!

  5. That makes me so sad! I hope you can rekindle a relationship with her again soon!
