Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Confessions

It's friday confessional time with
If you haven't checked it out do cause it's a ton of fun!

-It was wonderful to wake up with my daughter next to me (my son was sick so he slept with his dad) and start the day off with some Go Fish

-who doesn't love a good game of Go Fish! (especially with a 3 1/3 yr old!)

-I sososo hope my husband gets the job he interviewed for twice this week

-being unemployed is bittersweet (I do like having my husband home more but the pay sucks!)

-I am super excited to try this new self tanning lotion recommend by Ali at
A mommie's life

-I've never in my life used either a tanning bed or self tanning lotion

-I don't like laying in the sun either which makes for not much colour in the summer

-I've realized that asking my children to please keep their voices down just does not work

-they don't seem to know what quiet voices are

-sometimes I wish I had a mute button for them (Is that terrible?)


  1. If you find a mute button that works on them let me know. I'm in desperate need of more quiet children.

  2. No, it's not terrible. If you figure it out, let me know. :)
    Good luck to your hubby! My fingers are crossed.

  3. My Hubby just started back to work this Tuesday. He had been unemployed since October. You get to a point that you get sick of them being home (at least I did).

    Try asking them what an indoor voice is, have them demonstrate it. For some reason, kids like to be the "teachers".

  4. Hey, I have something for you at my blog. Go check it out! :)
